Sunday, 5 July 2009

The longest day

I promised myself I wouldn't do this. Everyone's blogs are about their lifes and I wanted mine to be a little different. Just my perspective on the world, as it were.
But this is different.
In the early hours of Sunday 5th July, Jamie Baker, Tom Capewell and a young boy named Noah lost their lives after a car crash.
I found out about the crash at 12:45am on the morning of sunday 5th. I was asked to pray, being told they were all alive and talking with some injuries, so I prayed for a swift recovery and for them to be comforted and went to sleep. It had sounded like they would be ok.
I woke up at 8 o clock to two text messages. One recieved at 1:21am, telling me that Jamie and one of the other boys had died, not knowing if it was Tj or Noah. Then at 5:47am, confirming that all three boys had tragically passed away.

Tj was 17, hoping to start driving soon. Although he and I had our ups and downs, when starting at secondary school, we had been close friends. We joined the same youth group, and shared many incredible, funny and interesting memories.

Jamie was a cheeky, silly guy, always wanting a laugh. Always looking for more out of life. He was known for his long hair and for doing things that other people would consider too dangerous or frightful to do themselves.

I didn't know Noah, being only 8 years old.

Today has been the longest day of my life. A puzzle of remorse, confusion, sadness and sympathy. The reality hasn't sunk in, and I'm dreading the day at school tomorrow.
I remember looking around the sixth form centre, after something my cousin had said in a similar situation. "I thought to myself that some of these guys might not make it to their 21st birthday, maybe not even until they're 18." As morbid as it was, I realised that not everyone in the room would marry and have children. Least of all, did I expect Tom to be that one, nor Jamie.
The guys were vibrant and seemed to have a surplus of life, like it wouldn't run out.
I, personally, will remember these two guys for the light they brought into my life and the lives of my friends.

Have a large one on me boys. See you in a while.


1 comment:

  1. RIP Boys, I didn't know you amazingly well but still hold fond memories

    Sleep well, my prayers are with you

    x x x x
